This the fourth part of a four part article about two convicts transported to Australia who eventually met and raised a family, firstly in Australia and later in New Zealand.
If you missed the earlier parts of this series: 🔗Part one was about George White and 🔗Part two about Elizabeth Allen. These were about how George and Elizabeth each came to be in Australia up to the point where they sought permission to marry. 🔗Part three was about George and Elizabeth’s life together in Australia (Tasmania and Victoria) and in New Zealand. Part four, is the final part of this series. It takes a closer look at the children of George White and Elizabeth Allen in an attempt to unravel the evidence about their births and deaths. Sorting them out has been quite a puzzle.
It appears that George and Elizabeth had thirteen children:
Seven survived to adulthood - Joseph, George, Elizabeth, Emma Amelia, Edwin, Alice Ann and Ada; and
Six died young - Ann, Alfred, Wallis, Alfred Wallis, Alfred and Walter.
For some of these children, birth and death registrations have proven elusive. Perhaps some were not registered? Notwithstanding, it is possible to piece some information together from the birth entries that have been found. The repetitiveness of the names Alfred and Wallis does not help. What follows is a mix of fact and guesswork.
My analysis relies heavily on information from the birth entries for Emma (1955)1. Edwin (1858)2 and Alice Ann (1860)3. Alice Ann’s birth entry is particularly useful because it lists, as at May 1860, when her birth was registered, all of George and Elizabeth’s children, living and deceased. These children appear to have been listed in order of birth although that may not be so.
Joseph White & George White
George and Elizabeth’s first two children were born on 22 May 18464 and 7 July 18475 in Hobart while George and Elizabeth were still convicts. The name of the child is left blank in their registrations:
1846 Births in the District of Hobart:
[Number] 1715; [Born] May 22nd;
[Name] ; [Sex] Male;
[Father] George White; [Mother] Elizabeth White formerly Allen;
[Father’s profession] Brickmaker;
[Informant] Elizabeth her X mark White Mother New Town Road;
[Registered] June 8th.
1847 Births in the District of Hobart:
[Number] 165; [Born] July 7th;
Name ; [Sex] Male;
[Father] George White; [Mother] Elizabeth White formerly Allen;
[Father’s profession] Brickmaker;
[Informant] Elizabeth her X mark White Mother New Town;
[Registered] August 12th.
It can be inferred from the 1860 birth entry of their younger sister Alice Ann (Registration 9189/1860), that these first two children are Joseph and George. Alice Ann’s birth entry lists Elizabeth and George’s two oldest children in May 1860 as being: Joseph 13 and George 126.
Both Joseph and George lived to adulthood.
Joseph died at the age of 81 on 14 August 1927 at Fielding in the Manawatu District of New Zealand (Registration Number 1927/5941)7. He is buried in Fielding Cemetery (Plot 910, Block 2)8.
George died at the age of 81 on 23 August 1928 at Hunterville in the Rangitikei District of New Zealand (Registration Number 1928/3668)9. He is buried at Hastings Cemetery, Hawkes Bay, New Zealand (Plot F/#/581)10.
Ann White & Elizabeth White
George and Elizabeth’s next two children were born on 28 June 184811 and 2 September 184912. This was after George was given his Certificate of Freedom on 15 October 184713 and before Elizabeth was given a conditional pardon on 27 November 184914. Again the name of these children is left blank on the registrations:
1848 Births in the District of Hobart:
[Number] 904; [Born] June 28th;
[Name] ; [Sex] Female;
[Father] George White; [Mother] Elizabeth White formerly Allen;
[Father’s profession] Brickmaker;
[Informant] George Elizabeth her X mark White Mother New Town;
[Registered] August 23th.
1848 Births in the District of Hobart:
[Number] 1790;[Born] September 2nd
[Name] ; [Sex] Female;
[Father] George White; [Mother] Elizabeth White formerly Allen;
[Father’s profession] Brickmaker;
[Informant] George Eliz’th her X mark White Mother George Street;
[Registered] September 25th.
It can be inferred from the 1860 birth entry of their younger sister, Alice Ann (Registration 9189/1860) that these records belong to Ann and Elizabeth. Alice Ann’s birth entry lists Elizabeth and George’s third and fourth oldest children in May 1860 as being Ann deceased and Elizabeth age 1115.
Ann was just 10 months old when she died on 18 May 1849. Her cause of death is listed as convulsions16:
1849 Deaths in the District of Hobart
[Number] 2420; [Died[ May 18th;
[Name] Ann White; [Sex] female; [age] ten months; Brickmaker’s child; [Cause] convulsions;
[Informant] George White, Father, George Street [??];
[Registered] May 18th; [Deputy Registrar] John Abbott
Elizabeth lived to adulthood. She married David Shepherd on 9 September 1874 in New Zealand (Registration Number: 1874/13324)17. She died, at the age of 53, on 4 October 190218 at Kangaroo Flat, Greater Bendigo City, Victoria, Australia (Registration Number 14272/1902)19:
Elizabeth is buried in Melbourne General Cemetery, Carlton North, Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia (Section NN, Grave number 527 – Church of England)20 21.
Alfred White
Sometime after Elizabeth was granted her conditional pardon, George and Elizabeth moved with their family to Auckland, New Zealand where their next child Alfred was born on 21 February 185122:
1851 Birth entry, Auckland: [Born] 21 February 1851; Auckland; [Name] Alfred; Male; [Father] George White, Brickmaker; Mother Elizabeth White, maiden name Allen23.
The family didn’t stay in Auckland for long. They were soon back in Australia; this time in Victoria where Alfred died aged just 2 years. This was in 1853 in Melbourne, Victoria (Registration 3320/1853)24.
Wallis White
The oldest ten children listed in Alice Ann’s 1860 birth entry (Registration 9189/1860) are: Joseph 13, George 12, Ann deceased, Elizabeth 11, Alfred deceased; Wallace [sic] deceased, Alfred Wallace [sic] deceased, Alfred deceased, Emma 5, Edwin 225.
This suggests that Wallis was born between Alfred and Alfred Wallis. Alfred was born in 1851 (see above) and Wallis’ younger brother Alfred Wallis is estimated to have been born in late 1853/early 1854 (see below). It is likely, therefore, that Wallis was born during 1852 or in early 1853 and probably in Victoria but this is uncertain. According to the death entry of his younger brother, Alfred Wallis, who was probably born in late 1853, he (Alfred Wallis), was born in Tasmania. However, the family was more likely to have been in Victoria during 1853 (see below).
His younger sister, Emma Amelia's birth registration does not help to determine Wallis' death date, in fact it confuses matters because the number of living and deceased children referred to in her 1855 birth entry is too low, whereas Edwin's 1858 birth registration points to Wallis having died before 1858 (see commentary on section regarding Alfred below). Given the naming of Alfred Wallis who was born after Wallis, it could be concluded that Wallis most likely died before Alfred Wallis was born. It is estimated that Alfred Wallis was born in late 1853/early 1854 (see below). It is likely, therefore, that Wallis died during 1853, probably in Victoria?
To date, I have been unable to find a birth or death registration for Wallis.
Alfred Wallis White
Alfred Wallis White’s death is registered in Victoria in 1854. He was 3 months old when he died (Registration Number 884/1854)26. Given the early registration (884), Alfred Wallis probably died in the early months of 1854. Therefore, it is likely that he was born in either early 1854 or late 1853; most probably the latter.
At this point, I don’t know exactly when, in 1853, Alfred Wallis’ older brother, Alfred, died but given their shared name, it is likely that Alfred Wallis was born after his older brother, Alfred died. Alfred died in Victoria during 1853. It is, therefore, puzzling that Alfred Wallis’ birth is listed as being in Launceston, Van Diemen’s Land given that the family was in Victoria in 1853?
Alfred White (another one!)
As outlined above, Alice Ann’s 1860 birth entry suggests that this Alfred was born after Alfred, Wallis and Alfred Wallis and before Emma Amelia. However, it isn’t clear how his birth could fit in? Emma Amelia was born in December 1854 (see below). Alfred Wallis was probably born in late 1853/early 1854 at the earliest (see above). There appears to be no space for Alfred.
To date, I have been unable to find either a birth or death registration. Could he have been a twin to Wallis? Could he be out of order in the list? Perhaps he was born after Emma Amelia?
If Alice Ann's entry is correct, Emma Amelia was George and Elizabeth's 9th child. However, this doesn't appear to fit with Emma Amelia's birth entry. I have not sighted this myself but the transcript I have seen shows that, at the time that Emma Amelia's birth was registered in February 1885, George and Elizabeth had 4 living and 3 deceased children27. If Emma Amelia was included in that number, the 4 living children in February 1855 would have been Joseph (b.1846), George (b.1847), Elizabeth (b.1849), and Emma Amelia (b.1854).
Who were the three deceased children? It is certain that Ann died in 1849, the first Alfred died in 1853 and Alfred Wallis died aged 3 months in 1854. It is Wallis and this Alfred who appear to have been omitted. Wallis was likely to be deceased by then (see above) but what of this Alfred?
The 1858 birth entry (Registration 8143/1858) for Edwin (see below), tells us that, at the time of Edwin’s registration, George and Elizabeth had 5 living children and 5 deceased children28. This lines up with Alice Ann's registration; the 5 living children in February 1858 when Edwin was registered most likely being Joseph (b.1846), George (b.1847), Elizabeth (b.1849), Emma Amelia (b.1854) and Edwin (b.1858) and the 5 deceased children most likely being: Ann (1848-1849), Alfred (1851-1853), Wallis (1952/53-possibly 1853), Alfred Wallis (1853/54-1854) and Alfred. When Alfred died remains uncertain, other than to say that he died sometime before February 1858.
Emma Amelia White
Emma Amelia was born at South Yarra (Melbourne) in Victoria on 23 December 185429. Her birth was registered in 1855 (Registration Number 1270/1855)30 in the District of Prahan, Victoria31 32.
Detail from the birth entry, as per the transcript I have seen, reads:
1855 Births in the District of Prahan, Australia [No.] 270; born 23 December 1954; South Yarra; Emma Amelia White, present; female; [Father] George White, 36, Brickmaker, born in England; married in 1845 in Hobart Town; [Issue] 4 living, 3 deceased; [Mother] Elizabeth Allen, 30, born in England33.
As discussed above in relation to Wallis and the youngest Alfred, the number of issue stated here appears to be incorrect.
Emma lived to adulthood. She married twice. She married her first husband Thomas Phillip Michelle (1838 - 1892) at Benger Flat, Coal Creek, Otago, New Zealand on 20 August 1872 (Registration Number: 1872/7880)34. After Thomas died in a mining accident, Emma married her second husband, Thomas Coop (1838 - 1924). They married on 2 January 1893 at Roxburgh, Otago, New Zealand (Registration 1869/3989)35.
Emma was 7736 when she died at the home of her daughter in Gisborne, New Zealand on 17 March 1932 (Registration 1932/1856)37. Her remains were returned to Roxburgh for funeral and burial. She was buried on 28 March 1932 with her husband, Thomas Coop, who had predeceased her (Block V Plot 112/113)38.
Edwin 'Ted' White
Edwin was born at Pleasant Creek in Victoria on 26 February 1858. His birth was registered in 1858 in the District of Pleasant Creek39 40.
The birth entry reads:
1858 Births in the District of Pleasant Creek, Australia [No.] 8143; [Born] February 26th 1858, Pleasant Creek; Edwin White, not present; male; [Father] George White, Gold digger, 42 years; born in Birmingham, England; married in 1845 New Zealand [sic]; Issue 5 living, 5 deceased; [Mother] Elizabeth White, maiden name Allen, 35 years, born in Birmingham, England41.
Edwin lived to adulthood. He died at the age 87 on 11 Sep 1945 at Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand (Registration Number 1945/25256)42. He is buried at Anderson Bay Cemetery in Dunedin (Block 26, Plot 127)43.
Walter White
I haven’t been able to find a birth registration for Walter. Based on the birth entries of Edwin (1858 - see above) and Alice Ann (1860 - see below), it appears that Walter would have been born after February 1858 when Edwin was born and before May 1860 when Alice Ann was born. Allowing 9 months after Edwin’s birth and 9 months to precede Alice Ann’s birth, this suggests Walter was born sometime between November 1858 and August 1959, approximately. However, this assumes that the birth order of children in Alice Ann's birth entry is correct. Could Walter have been born earlier between Emma and Edwin, perhaps?
There is a death registration for a Walter White in the Victoria Death Index in 1859 but the record is incomplete44 45. There is insufficient information to know whether this record belongs to George and Elizabeth’s Walter, or not.
The Walter in this record was 3 years old when he died in 1859 and would, therefore, have had to be born in 1856. If it is the correct record, then Walter must have been incorrectly placed in the order of children in Alice Ann’s birth entry and should have been placed between Emma and Edwin. This would be possible given the gap between Emma and Edwin’s births. Alternatively, should the 3 on the death entry read 3 months?
More information may be available from a printout of the associated historical death certificate. In the meantime, it is uncertain whether this record belongs to George and Elizabeth's Walter or not. At the moment, both Walter's birthdate and death date remain uncertain. However, consistent with Alice’s Ann’s birth entry, we know that Walter died before May 1860.
Alice Ann White
Alice Ann was born on 15 May 1860. Her birth was registered in the District of Great Western in Victoria (Registration 9189/1860}46 47. Her birth entry reads as follows:
Schedule A - 1860 Births in the District of Great Western, Australia Registered by John Hatch [No.] 26;
[Child] - [When and where Born] Fifteenth May 1860, Great Western - [Name, and whether present or not] Alice Ann White, not present - [Sex] Female;
[Father] - [Name and surname, Rank or Profession of the Father] George White Brickmaker - Age And Birth-place] 44 Birmingham England - [When and where Married] 1845 Auckland New Zealand [sic] - [Issue living and deceased] Joseph 13 George 12 Ann deceased Elizabeth 11, Alfred deceased Wallace [sic] deceased Alfred Wallace [sic] deceased Alfred deceased Emma 5 Edwin 2 Walter deceased
[Mother] - [Name and Maiden surname of the Mother] Elizabeth White formerly Allen - [Age And Birth-place] 37 Birmingham England
[Informant] - [Signature, Description and Residence of Informant] George White Father Great Western.
[Registrar] - [When Registered and where] Fifteenth May 1860 Great Western - [Signature of Deputy Registrar] John Hatch.
Alice Ann lived to adulthood. She married William Glaister on 12 July 1878 (Registration 1878/2305)48. She died at the age of 73 on 25 November 1933 at Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand (Registration 1933/21423)49 and is buried at the Southern Cemetery in Dunedin (Plot 7-8, Block 22)50.
Ada White
Ada was born on 15 June 1861. Her birth was registered in the district of Ararat in Victoria (Registration 15207/1861)[112] [113]
Detail from the birth entry reads:
1861 Births in the District of Ararat, Australia - [No.] 15207
[Born] 15 June 1861, Ararat; Ada White, not present; Female
[Father] George White, Brickmaker, Forty-four years; born in Worcestershire [sic], England; married 18 July 1845 [sic], New Zealand [sic]; Issue Seven living, Six dead;
[Mother] Elizabeth Allen, Thirty-six years; born in Worcestershire [sic], England51.
Ada lived to adulthood. She married William Henry Bentham Daniels on 19 May 1894 (Registration 1894/1871)52.
Ada died at the age of 75 on 29 Nov 1936 at Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand (Registration 1936/25568)53. She is buried at Andersons Bay Cemetery in Dunedin with her husband (Block 97 Plot 101)54.
Registration Detail – Deliberate Errors?
As can be seen from Edwin, Alice Ann and Ada’s birth entries, over time, the information reported by George and Elizabeth gradually morphed a little from the truth.
This starts with the change in marriage place from Hobart, Tasmania to New Zealand in Edwin’s 1858 birth entry. This is more specifically stated as Auckland, New Zealand in Alice Ann’s 1860 birth entry. By 1861, when Ada was registered, the date and place of their marriage was reported as 18 July 1845, New Zealand when in fact they married on 28 April 1845 at St John’s Church in New Town, Hobart, Australia55.
It may be that these changes were a deliberate attempt by George and Elizabeth to distance themselves from their convict past? Perhaps that is also why, after Ada was born, they chose to return to New Zealand?
In the birth entries up to 1861, Elizabeth and George’s place of birth was correctly shown as Birmingham in England (Warwickshire). In Alice Ann’s 1861 entry, both George and Elizabeth are listed as being born in Worcestershire. While this may have been deliberate for the same reason as the other changes, as suggested above, it could also have been a transcription error, 'Warwickshire' being replaced by 'Worcestershire'?
To Sum Up
As I said at the outset, what is written here is a mix of fact and guesswork. The birth and/or death dates for some of George and Elizabeth’s children remain uncertain. My best guess about when each of their children was born largely has it's basis in what can be discerned from the birth entries for Emma (1955), Edwin (1858) and Alice Ann (1860) and is reliant on the children’s birth order given in Alice Ann’s birth entry being correct. It may not be.
My investigation into birth dates for both the second Alfred and Walter raises the possibility that they may not be appropriately placed in the list? While some of the dates are uncertain, at the very least, this provides a reasonable guide to focus a search for the missing birth and death records. More work to do!
To sum up, my best guess, at this point in time, is that George and Elizabeth had thirteen children as follows:
Joseph White 1846-1927
George White 1847-1928
Ann White 1848-1849
Elizabeth White 1849-1902
Alfred White 1851-1853
Wallis White 1852-1855
Alfred Wallis White 1853-1854
Alfred White ?-1858
Emma Amelia White 1854-1932
Edwin White 1858-1945
Alice Ann White 1860-1933
Walter White ?-1860
Ada White 1861-1936
Frankly, it has turned my head inside out trying to figure George and Elizabeth’s children out. Well done and thank you if you have persevered this far!
I am grateful to the information compiled from the birth entries by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and to Don Stevens (descendant of George and Elizabeth’s daughter, Emma Amelia White) who kindly shared the information with me.
Information compiled by PK Bain via Don Stevens - See note 1.
Copy of Birth Entry - Registration 9189/1860, District of Great Western – provided by Alison and shared via upload to by Judy Scothern on 16 December 2011 Accessed 17 January 2023.
'Registers of Birth in Hobart, Launceston and Country Districts' (RGD33) – RGD33-1-2 Image 168 – Entry 1715 - Male registered 8 June 1846 via Libraries Tasmania [Website]. Accessed 27 January 2023 -
'Registers of Birth in Hobart, Launceston and Country Districts' (RGD33) – RGD 33-1-3 Image 17 Entry 165 Male registered 12 August 1847 via Libraries Tasmania [Website] Accessed 29 January 2023 -$init=RGD33-1-3-P051
Copy of Birth Entry - Registration 9189/1860, District of Great Western – provided by Alison and shared via upload to by Judy Scothern on 16 December 2011. Accessed 27 January 2023.
Registration Number 1927/5941 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; 'New Zealand Cemetery Records' via 'New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 27 January 2023.
Registration Number 1928/3668 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
'Burial and Cremation Register' [Digital Index] Hastings District Council [Website] Reference 504316. Accessed 27 January 2023. Note that, while the website indicates that he died on 25 August 1928, 25 August is probably the burial date as both the gravestone and the birth registration indicate he died on 23 August 1928 -
'Registers of Birth in Hobart, Launceston and Country Districts' (RGD33) – RGD 33-1-3 Image 91 Entry 904 Female registered 23 August 1848 via Libraries Tasmania [Website]. Accessed 27 January 2023 -$init=RGD33-1-3-P125
'Registers of Birth in Hobart, Launceston and Country Districts' – RGD 33-1-3 Image 180 Entry 1790 Female registered 26 September 1849 via Libraries Tasmania [Website]. Accessed 27 January 2023 -$init=RGD33-1-3-P214
'Convict Records' - CON34-1-5 Image 497 via Libraries Tasmania [Website] Accessed 26 March 2023 -$init=CON34-1-5P497
'Convict Records' - CON40/1/2 Image 29 via Libraries Tasmania [Website]. Accessed 26 January 2023 -$init=CON40-1-2P29
Copy of Birth Entry - Registration 9189/1860, District of Great Western – provided by Alison and shared via upload to by Judy Scothern on 16 December 2011 Accessed 27 January 2023.
1849 Register of Death in the District of Hobart (RGD35) RGD35-1-2 – Image 240 – Entry 2420 Female registered 18 May 1849 via Libraries Tasmania [Website] Accessed 27 January 2023 -$init=RGD35-1-2P240
Registration Number 1874/13324 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
'Victorian cemetery records and headstone transcriptions'. Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Names were indexed by volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc Transcript via 'Victoria, Australia, Cemetery Records and Headstone Transcriptions, 1844-1997' [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016. Accessed 28 January 2023.
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
'Find a Grave' via Australia and New Zealand, 'Find a Grave Index, 1800s-Current' [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012. Accessed 1 April 2022
'Victorian cemetery records and headstone transcriptions'. Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Names were indexed by volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Victoria Inc Transcript via 'Victoria, Australia, Cemetery Records and Headstone Transcriptions, 1844-1997' [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016. Accessed 28 January 2023
Registration Number: 1851/1312 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
Information from Registration 1851/1312, Auckland, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White)
'Victoria Deaths 1836-1985' Death Registration 3320 via FindMyPast [Website]. Accessed 29 March 2022.
Copy of Birth Entry - Registration 9189/1860, District of Great Western – provided by Alison and shared via upload to by Judy Scothern on 16 December 2011. Accessed 28 January 2023
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
Information from Registration 1270/1855, District of Prahan, Victoria, Australia, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White).
Information from Registration 8143/1858, District of Pleasant Creek, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White).
'Australia, Births & Baptisms, 1792-1981' via FindMyPast [Website] Accessed 28 March 2022
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
'Pioneer Index, Victoria 1836-1888' via 'Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Accessed 31 March 2022’
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
Information from Registration 1270/1855, District of Prahan, Victoria, Australia, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White).
Registration 1872/7880 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [digital index], New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs -
Registration 1869/3989 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [digital index], New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs -
Her headstone incorrectly says 78 years.
Registration 1932/1856 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [digital index], New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs -
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; 'New Zealand Cemetery Records' via 'New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Accesssed 28 January 2023
'Pioneer Index, Victoria 1836-1888' via 'Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Accesssed 1 April 2022.
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
Information from Registration 8143/1858, District of Pleasant Creek, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White).
Registration Number 1945/25256 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; 'New Zealand Cemetery Records' via 'New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 28 January 2023
The Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 'Victoria, Australia, Death Records' via 'Victoria, Australia, Death Index, 1836-1988' [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2018. Accessed 28 March 2022.
'Family History Search' [Digital Index Search] via Births, Death and Marriages Victoria [Website] -
'Pioneer Index, Victoria 1836-1888' via 'Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Accessed 31 March 2022.
Copy of Birth Entry - Registration 9189/1860, District of Great Western – provided by Alison and shared via upload to by Judy Scothern on 16 December 2011 Accessed 29 January 2023
Registration Number 1878/2305 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs -
Registration Number 1933/21423 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; 'New Zealand Cemetery Record' via 'New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 29 January 2023.
Information from Registration 15207/1861, District of Ararat, compiled from the birth entry by PK Bain, Dunedin (descendent of Edwin White) and kindly shared with me by Don Stevens (descendant of Emma Amelia White).
Registration Number 1894/1871 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
Registration Number 1936/25568 'Births, Deaths & Marriages Online', [Digital Index] via New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs [Website] -
New Zealand Society of Genealogists Incorporated; Auckland, New Zealand; 'New Zealand Cemetery Records', via 'New Zealand, Cemetery Records, 1800-2007' [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2014. Accessed 29 January 2023
Tasmanian Archive & Heritage Office 'Tasmania Marriages 1803-1899' via FindMyPast [Website]. Accessed 29 January 2023
My goodness, you did an amazing job unraveling the information for all the Alfreds and Wallises! I appreciate the work you did keeping all these dates straight.